Your trusted senior living community in Iowa's Cedar Valley


Stronger, Healthier, Living Better
NewAldaya Main Street Wellness Center
Tuesday, Friday, March 10th - March 17, 2022th
8:30 am

Open to the Pubic – Wellness for All Ages

Offering a full complement of wellness classes for all ages and any fitness level.

Check out an array of fitness equipment for individual workout needs.

The NewAldaya Wellness Center and use of fitness equipment is available and complimentary to all NewAldaya community and staff members, as well as individuals, 65 years of age and older, residing in the Cedar Valley.

(Click on the list of Calendar Events for more information)

Nourish your Spirit
NewAldaya Chapel and other NewAldaya community locations
Wednesday, March 9th - March 16, 2022th
4:00 pm

From Bible Studies, Sunday and Twilight services to musical performances and The Living Series, a speakers’ series sponsored by NewAldaya’s Christian Caring Committee. See all that our spiritual care program offers.

(Click on the list of Calendar Events for days, times and locations)

(319) 268-0401
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